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Did Noah’s Ark Set Sail from Florida? Exploring the Mystery of Gopherwood and Ancient Origins

Writer's picture: M.W. KeyM.W. Key

Updated: Jan 20

The rabbit hole—or perhaps the gopher hole—has led me down another intriguing trail as I continue to explore Biblical truths. This time, my research focuses on the possible location of Noah’s Ark’s departure. While most believe the Ark was constructed and launched in the Middle East or Eurasia, I’ve uncovered intriguing clues suggesting Noah might have lived in the Americas. Over the years, I’ve encountered theories proposing that the Americas were the land of humanity’s origin, that the Mississippi River is the true Nile, that Grand Canyon landmarks bear Egyptian-inspired names, and even that Tenochtitlan could be the city Cain built and named after his son, Enoch. While I cannot claim certainty, I believe it’s worth keeping an open mind—especially given how much of our understanding of reality has been shaped by deception.

Gopher Wood

“Make yourself an ark of gopherwood. Make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and outside with a covering.” (Genesis 6:14)

Most scholars argue that the gopherwood used to construct the Ark was either a now-extinct species or a type of pine or cypress. But why do they arrive at this conclusion? The Bible often distinguishes between different types of trees, with its authors demonstrating clear knowledge of various species throughout scripture. This raises the question: if specific trees like cedars, oaks, and fig trees were recognized and named, why is gopherwood so enigmatic?

“But still, there is a tenth part in it, and it shall again be for a burning, like a terebinth tree and like an oak, whose stump remains when it is cut down. The set-apart seed is its stump!” (Isaiah 6:13)
“Howl, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, because the mighty are ravaged. Howl, O oaks of Bashan, for the dense forest has come down.” (Zechariah 11:2)

Scholars often conclude that gopherwood refers to an extinct species or a generic type of wood, largely because it is not found in the Middle East, Eurasia, Africa, or anywhere else in the so-called “old world.” Intriguingly, gopherwood is found only in the Americas—specifically in Florida. Adding to this mystery, gophers, which may have inspired the tree's name, are also native exclusively to the Americas and are found nowhere else in the world. Another compelling detail is that Hebrew is the only ancient language to include the word gopher. Critics of this theory argue that Florida’s gopherwood was named after the enigmatic wood mentioned in Genesis, rather than being the same species referenced in the Bible.

The Animals

It may come as a surprise to learn that many scientists and historians identify the Americas as the origin of numerous animals typically considered native to the “old world.” While I disagree with their timelines and evolutionary theories, it is noteworthy that they propose the Americas—not Africa or Asia—as the starting point for many so-called exotic species.

“Horses originated in North America, where their ancestors evolved over 55 million years ago.” (Origins of the Horse | Nebraska Public Media)
“Primates likely originated in Montana and Canada at the beginning of the Cenozoic Era. They then spread to Asia and Africa, and eventually returned to the Western Hemisphere from Africa.” (Eons | What Happened To Primates In North America? PBS)
“Although many would think the cheetah had originated on the continent of Africa, the oldest fossils place cheetahs in North America in what is now Texas, Nevada and Wyoming.” (
“The Camel family (Camelidae) first evolved in North America approximately 44 million years ago during the Eocene period.” (The Camels, National Park Service)
“Wherever Eden was originally planted, it is now certain that in America are found fossilized remains far more varied and extensive than have as yet been discovered in either Europe, Asia, or Africa; and that they indicate a long, undisturbed period of production before the flood… The question as to where the ark grounded may be considered as correctly settled — Mount Ararat in Armenia; but the yet more interesting one, as to whence the ark took its departure, as still open.” (The Garden of Eden and the Flood, pg.6, J. C. Keener)


Drogue Stones

Drogue stones are large rocks with a single hole drilled through them, traditionally used as ancient anchors to stabilize vessels. Some Biblical scholars theorize that drogue stones were employed on Noah’s Ark to help keep it level amidst the violent floodwaters. Interestingly, such stones have been discovered near Mount Ararat, the traditional resting place of the Ark, as well as in Florida—raising intriguing questions about their origin and use.



While I cannot say with certainty that Florida was the departure location of Noah’s Ark, the evidence is undeniably compelling and worthy of thoughtful consideration. As always, I encourage you to test everything and allow the Ruach HaKodesh to guide you into all truth.


Check out some of my books! Available in both print and Kindle versions.

Four book covers by M.W. Key. Titles: "Pagan Holidays," "Testing the 613 Commandments," "Blood and Sand," and "Unto Death." Themes: nature, desert, mountains.

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